Terms & Conditions
Terms and conditions
Recreation and Squad Classes
Initial bookings for classes must be done via our ClassForKids portal available through the Paragon website. Enrolment into a class is not confirmed until you receive a confirmation email of the enrolment.
Club Membership: From September 2024, Paragon Gymnastics Academy Club will require the £20 annual membership fee to be paid when setting up the subscription payment.
British Gymnastics Insurance - It is the responsibility of the member/parent/guardian of a child to ensure insurance is up to date and paid for via the British Gymnastics website selecting “Paragon Gymnastics Academy”, upon sign up the club will then be informed by British Gymnastics that a member has been accepted and your membership number will be updated to the system.
Class Fees - Class Fees will be requested in the month prior to classes starting and can be paid anytime through your ClassForKids account and are due on the 1st of each month. Anyone joining a class part way through the month will have the payment for the tuition remaining in that month added to their next subscription payment.
Joining to be a member of Paragon Gymnastics Academy and attending classes is a rolling commitment each month. For example, if you join Paragon Gymnastics Academy in September, you will automatically be enrolled into October. Children will not be accepted into classes if fees have not been initially paid for in advance of any sessions starting. Failure to pay fees on time will put your child’s place at risk (child’s place being made available online for booking).
Customers will be informed of any fee increases prior to payments taken.
Paragon Gymnastics Academy runs sessions throughout the year with exception of a 2 week break at Christmas.
Make Up Session Policy
Due to our strict gymnasts to coach ratio, missed classes will not result in make-up classes, prorated tuition or refunds. No refunds for classes missed including scheduled holidays, sickness (direct or indirect) or injury.
Cancellation Procedure
If you wish to withdraw your membership you must notify Paragon Gymnastics Academy by way of email. Verbal cancellations are not accepted by Paragon Gymnastics Academy, as it is very difficult to prove if a conversation took place.
Please note: You are responsible for payment of your membership (yourself, child's) classes whether your child attends sessions or not until the time you notify the club by email.
Any request to cancel will automatically be completed for the end of the month requested, regardless of the date you wish to cancel. All cancellation requests must be received prior to the end of month to be cancelled in the same month.
During a cancellation period your child can still attend their sessions as normal, and their place will not be offered to anyone else during this time. If you have requested to cancel, we will honour that as per the terms stated. If you change your mind during the cancellation period, you will have to re-enrol (space permitting) once the end date of your child’s enrolment has lapsed. If you know your child is unable to attend their session, please email Paragon Gymnastics Academy (paragongymnastics@hotmail.com) and Paragon Gymnastics Academy will update your child’s absence from unauthorised absence to an excused absence. This helps us understand if your child still wants to attend Paragon Gymnastics Academy.
It may be necessary for Paragon Gymnastics Academy to cancel a class for exceptional circumstances and in this case, contact will be made by email.
Cancellations outside our control including but not exclusive to national lockdowns, extreme weather, power outages, incident at Venue or notifiable disease a refund will not be given.
What to Wear
Members should wear either a leotard which is preferred or tucked in T-shirts and shorts. Paragon Gymnastics Academy runs a zero-tolerance policy on Jewellery in line with British Gymnastics. No jewellery should be worn at any time. Paragon Gymnastics Academy takes no responsibility for any accidents or incidents which may occur whilst wearing any jewellery. Hair should be tied securely away from the face so that it stays up for the entire session. Students should not wear bows or other hair ornaments that may cause discomfort during activity. All students should be barefoot unless verrucas are present when members are permitted to wear a sock to cover the infected area.
Personal items should be left with parents or in designated areas. This facility's staff will not be responsible for any items that may be lost or stolen. Any items left at Paragon Gymnastics Academy may be donated to another charity.
Arrival and Pick Up
Please ensure you arrive at least 10 minutes before the scheduled class time.
Paragon Gymnastics Academy location: Paragon Gymnastics Academy, Unit 6 Malbern Ind 1st, Greg Street, Reddish, SK5 7BT Please park in the car park to the front of the building or on the roads. Do not park in neighbouring businesses car parks as this may result in your vehicle being locked in.
Upon arrival, please report to the desk or coach to have your attendance marked.
Paragon Gymnastics Academy only assumes responsibility for a child from when they have been invited into the gymnasium for their class and finishes at the end of the class therefore, we advise that you are in the designated pick-up area 5 minutes before the class is due to finish. Please inform us if you know you will be late picking up your child.
During peak times the parking area is crowded. Please take into consideration that our members include young children. Please drive slowly and carefully.
Toilet Trips
For classes to run smoothly without disruptions we advise that you take your child to the toilet before the start of your session, however if a toilet break is needed during class members will be directed to the toilet inside the gymnasium.
Special Needs, Illnesses and Medical Needs
It is the responsibility of the parent to disclose to Paragon Gymnastics Academy by way of written email any Medical, Physical or Additional needs of members and parents should speak to any coaches involved in the coaching of the participant. Paragon Gymnastics Academy reserves the right to move members into any classes deemed appropriate to the individual needs of that member. Downs-syndrome gymnasts will require an atlanto-axial screening prior to starting any classes.
Emergency Lockdown Process
A lockdown will be implemented anytime gymnasts/workers/spectators need to be contained and protected inside the building in order to prevent people from moving from a low risk to a higher risk environment.
Any members that are outside of the building shall be asked to move into the main gymnasium. The main door to the building shall be locked. All bathrooms shall be checked to ensure that no-one is still occupying them. The gymnasium door shall remain closed with a physical barricade placed behind the door, from inside the gym to prevent access. A register will be taken to ensure that all members are accounted for. Coaches and/or staff shall physically check and verify that all external doors to the gymnasium area are locked and all roller shutter doors are fully closed. Gym mats shall be placed in such a way that members can sit within the area. Workers, spectators and gymnasts safety is paramount. It exceeds toileting and drinking water needs.The most senior member of staff present shall ensure that they communicate with local authorities and management to confirm lockdown is in place. All mobile phones shall be turned to silent and all people shall be advised to remain quiet. All people shall remain in the gymnasium in lockdown until the most senior member of staff has been notified that they can vacate the premises by management or local authorities.
Open Gym Sessions
Paragon Gymnastics Academy is a centre primarily focussed on providing a safe and enjoyable environment where people can take part in gymnastics at all levels and abilities. Participating in any sport and at any level can always pose potential risk, whilst we have taken steps to reduce risks wherever is practically possible, this does not eliminate risks involved. We encourage all users and parents to make their own assessment of the risks and your/your child's ability whenever you attend the centre. You are responsible for the wellbeing of your child and observing them the whole session. You must also be in attendance during the full play gym session in the downstairs gym.
The flooring is designed to provide a more comfortable landing when falling or jumping from equipment. THE SOFT FLOOR AND THE PITS DO NOT GUARANTEE YOUR SAFETY OR TO REMAIN FREE FROM INJURY. Uncontrolled falls and landings are likely to result in injuries to yourself and others. We ask all users of the centre to be mindful of their surroundings and people around them to reduce the risk of injury to others wherever possible.
Using Equipment - We ask that you only use the equipment that has been set out by staff. You must not take any additional equipment out or move the equipment off your own accord. All equipment has been safety checked for usage during sessions. Do not set up your own equipment set ups.
Trampoline- It only allows for 1 person on the trampoline at a time. This must be rotated and observed by the parent/guardian who has brought the child to the gym that day.
Eating and drinking- We don't permit eating or drinking in the gym. We do provide a cafe area with bins, seats that you are welcome to take your child into in order to have a drink or food.
Performing skills beyond your capabilities - within any environment is likely to result in a fall. Any fall may result in an injury despite the safety features in place to avoid it. You/Your child must make your/their own assessment of the riskswhenever you take part in any sport within the centre.
Our Duty of Care - the rules set out below are not intended to limit your/your child's enjoyment whilst at the centre and using the facilities. These rules are part of the duty of care that we, as operators, owe to you, the customer, by law. As such, these rules are not negotiable and if you are/your child is unwilling to abide by them, staff will politely ask you to leave.
Your Duty of Care - you also have a duty of care to act responsibly to other users of the centre. Please be mindful that this is a family centre, as such shouting, swearing or use of foul language will not be accepted or tolerated. We would expect all users of the centre act in a considerate and courteous manner to all staff and other users of the centre.
Before undertaking any strenuous activity, ensure you have/your child has fully warmed up to reduce the risk of injury.
Avoid uncontrolled falls (wherever possible) either by climbing/dropping down or to control your fall /landing to reduce the risk of injury.
Keep the flooring, matting and pit free from any obstructions (e.g. bags, phones, bottles or anything else that could cause a trip hazard).
Do not sit or stand next to or underneath equipment whilst it is in use. Take care in particular when near or crossing the vault runs, fast track (long trampoline), Sprung floor and tumble track, as gymnasts use the entire length of the tracks and runs.
If you spot a fault or damage to equipment, please flag to a member of staff and refrain from using until the equipment has been checked and cleared for use.
Before using equipment ensure the landing area is free from obstructions and people.
Do not distract other gymnasts when they are performing or using apparatus.
Stand well back from equipment whilst it is in use.
Please refrain from taking photo’s videos in the centre, as people could be captured unintentionally in the background who have not given consent/authorisation for their image to be used.
Observe your user as you will be responsible for their well being and not Paragon Gymnastics
We reserve the right to ask you to leave the session at any point in the session if we feel you are not meeting these safety measures. We also have the right to ask you to leave if you damage the equipment.